Wednesday 23 April 2014

Petitions part 7

Collecting Signatures

The following extracts relating to the collection of signatures for the Woman’s Petition in 1891 were taken from the 4th Annual records and methods of work done by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union of Victoria during the year 1891 - Abstract reports from local branches published Jan 1892 (WCTU AR) and the Alliance Record (AR). Some extracts were also found in minutes of WCTU branches.

Womanhood Suffrage was also discussed and it was thought desirable to move in that matter as soon as possible Womanhood Suffrage was spoken of secretary to send to Melbourne readings of petition and literature (Ballarat WCTU minutes July 14 1891)
Correspondence read from Miss Ackerman, Mrs Brown and Mrs Kirk with samples of literature in reference to Womanhood suffrage (Ballarat WCTU minutes July 31 1891)
The Secretary mentioned that we had sent 1, 660 names to Melbourne for women’s petition (Ballarat WCTU minutes September 30 1891)

Although this district is so small we are glad to be able to report that there is every prospect of a large number of signatures being affixed to the petition re Womanhood Suffrage (AR 22 August 1891 p207)

District mapped and Woman’s Suffrage petitions given out to be filled (AR 22 August p206)

We are getting the petition largely signed by women for presentation to Parliament. We have written…also to MPs, urging them to support the bill for womanhood suffrage. (AR July 25 1891 p182)
Our members worked hard to secure signatures to the women’s petition, and we were very successful. Many more could have been obtained but for the uncertainty of the time when they were to be presented. (WCTU AR p12)

Mrs Ferguson gave a very interesting address on Temperance, and urged all who had not already signed the woman’s suffrage petition to do so (AR 17 October 1891 p262)
During the past few weeks our sisters have been busy canvassing for signatures to the Women’s Petition for the Franchise, and while doing this we have been the means used by God in rousing several poor sisters who were far down in the toils of that fell destroyer strong drink. But thanks be to God they are now on their way rejoicing in the strength of One who is able to keep them. (WCTU AR p12)

Our members took up the Woman’s Petition, but owing to the great deal of sickness about, were not able to make a house to house canvass. We managed to get 80 signatures, but found a great deal of ignorance and apathy on the question, still we feel the very fact of asking for the signatures has caused a seeking after knowledge. (WCTU AR p14)

Several of our members have spent two or three days canvassing for signatures with to the womanhood suffrage petition and met with great success, and we hope to be able to furnish a goodly list of names to share. (AR 5 September 1891 p221)

A special meeting was held on the 30th to discuss Womanhood suffrage. Mrs McLean’s paper was read, and after some discussion it was unanimously decided to take up that work. We intend not only to canvass the town, but the surrounding district as well. (AR 22 August 1891 p207)
Great interest is felt in the Womanhood Suffrage question: 604 signatures have been sent from this district. (AR 17 October 1891 p262)
Great interest has been taken in the Womanhood Suffrage Question, and 604 signatures have been taken from this district. (WCTU AR p14)

Clifton Hill:
We have been very busy of late obtaining signatures for the Women’s Petition, and are still at work. (AR 19 September 1891 p238)

We have distributed the women’s petition, and some are doing very well with them (AR 5 September 1891 p221)

Re Women’s petition (suffrage) Mrs Roberts proposed Mrs Bottrell sec. That 10 sh. be sent for letterature (sic) on the subject, said letterature (sic) to be distributed when the lists are circulated. (Dunolly WCTU minutes 22 July, 1891)
It was decided to ask Mrs Deensdan to circulate a list in Caresbrook. 220 signatures on each list’ (Dunolly WCTU minutes 29 July 1891)
All the lists re Womanhood Suffrage must be sent in next meeting’ (Dunolly WCTU minutes 12 August 1891) Send the lists re Woman Suffrage Petition 6 yards long, 872 signature Written to Mrs Kirk (list) and Mrs Vale (invitation)’ (Dunolly WCTU minutes 19 August 1891)
Mrs Hubble moved Miss Bennett sec that Mrs Lee be asked to give a lecture on Women Suffrage if she was willing to give it on Wednesday afternoon. Time if our meeting not on Tuesday.’ (Dunolly WCTU minutes 26 August 1891)
Prop. By Miss James sec by Mrs Treloar that Miss Stibbet (Majorca) be written to and asked to circulate a list re Woman Suffrage and one in Havelock, if possible. Also write to Mrs Smith (Dunolly) if she will circulate one. (Dunolly WCTU minutes 2 September 1891)
A letter was received from Mrs Smith (Dunolly) a list for Woman Suffrage had been circulated there by Mrs Thomas (Dunolly WCTU minutes 16 September 1891)
A letter was read from Mrs Wallace asking what interest had been taken in Womanhood Suffrage asked to Mrs Roberts to answer the query. Mrs Bowman rep. that the base is not up yet at railway stations Mrs England said she would write about poster and send an order for 5 sh. worth of litterature (sic).’ (Dunolly WCTU minutes 23 September 1891)
Letter from Secretary of Railways re base for litterature (sic) saying our request cannot be granted. (Dunolly WCTU minutes 21 October 1891)
Letter from Mrs Kirk read on Womanhood Suffrage (Dunolly WCTU minutes 30 December 1891)

East Brunswick
This week 26 of our members start canvassing with ‘Women’s Franchise Petitions’ Districts are marked out for each and have been taken up in good earnest (AR July 25 1891 p182)
The Woman’s Petition has been taken up with a will; we are getting a great number of signatures; the time being extended we are able to get more, we fully believe in women’s rights. (AR 19 September 1891 p238)

At a meeting held on 5th August the following resolutions were passed :- That the Womanhood Suffrage Petitions be as widely distributed as possible for signature (AR 22 August 1891 p206)
A number of signatures have been obtained to the suffrage petition, and we expect more when all are in. The feeling of the members is strong on that point. (AR 5 September 1891 p221)
There is little to report as we have only been in existence three months, but still something has been done to further the cause in our town, we have added a good many names to the Women’s Suffrage Petition, and distributed Temperance literature as widely as possible. (WCTU AR p14)

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