Wednesday 23 April 2014

Petitions part 16

Suffrage Time - Line

Male suffrage granted in Victoria subject to property qualifications for Lower House elections
Municipal rolls were used for compiling colonial electoral rolls. The Act referred to 'all persons' so women with property were allowed to vote in 1864 election
Phrase 'all persons' in the Act altered to 'all male persons' removing the right of women to vote
Education Act - "parents of children of not less than six years nor more than fifteen years shall cause such children (unless there is some reasonable excuse) to attend school for a period of sixty days in each half year." (clause 13)
Married Woman's Property Act. Legislation providing married women with the right to own and dispose of property in their own right
Victorian Women's Suffrage Society formed
Victorian Woman's Christian Temperance Union formed
Australian Women's Suffrage Society formed
Woman's Suffrage Bill presented in Legislative Asssembly by Dr Maloney, but not debated
Australian Women's Franchise Society founded
Woman's Petition presented to Victorian Parliament. Signatures collected by WVTU, Victorian Alliance and three suffrage societies
Women won the vote in New Zealand
Women won the vote in South Australia
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill presented by Dr Maloney
National Society for Woman Suffrage founded (became United Council for Woman Suffrage)
Victorian Women's Suffrage League founded by the WCTU
Victorian Plural Voting Abolition and Women's Suffrage Bill presented by Mr G Turner
Women won the vote in Western Australia
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill presented by Sir George Turner
United Council for Woman Suffrage reformed
Women's progressive League founded
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill No. 1 presented by Mr McLean
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill No. 2 presented by Mr H R Williams
Federation of Australian states and teritories
Victorian National Council of Women founded (WCTU one of the four original affiliates)
Women won the vote in New South Wales
Women's Federation formed
Commonwealth Franchise Act passed (women in all states able to vote in federal elctions and also stand as candidates in federal elections)
Women won the vote in Tasmania
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill No. 1 presented by Dr Maloney
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill No. 2 presented by Dr Maloney
First time women able to vote in a federal election
Vida Goldstein unsuccessfully contested federal Senate election
Women won the vote in Queensland
Women's Political Association formed
Victorian Women's Suffrage Bill presented by Mr Landon
Victorian Adult Suffrage Bill presented by Mr Prendergast
Victorian Adult Suffrage Bill presented by Mr Wall
Victorian Adult Suffrage Bill presented by Mr Prendergast
Victorian Adult Suffrage Bill No. 1 presented by Mr Prendergast
Victorian Adult Suffrage Bill No. 2 presented by Sir Thomas Bent
Women won the vote in Victoria but not the right to stand as candidates for Victorian parliamentary elections
Victorian Adult Suffrage Act proclaimed after receiving royal assent
Women won right to stand as candidates for Victorian parliamentary elections

Links to further information
The timeline of Women's achievements in Victoria

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